February 9, 2024

Sara Hageman Schenck is now licensed in Arkansas

 We are excited to announce that our ALC Accredited and managing broker, Sara Hageman Schenck, is now licensed in Arkansas!   

Arkansas offers diverse agricultural and recreational opportunities. Whether you are looking to buy or sell farmland, or looking for the perfect waterfowl and whitetail getaway, Sara is ready to help you reach your goals in Arkansas.   

“Throughout the last decade, we have spent a significant amount of time in Arkansas. We have had the opportunity to learn about the many facets of the local agricultural and recreational industries – from rice farming, to greentimber duck hunting, and everything in between – Arkansas is truly a unique state. I am excited to begin helping you buy and sell land in Arkansas!”   

Join us in congratulating Sara on her licensing in Arkansas!   

About Hageman Realty, Inc.

Hageman Realty represents trust, knowledge, and excellence. Since 1976, Hageman Realty has been earning your trust in buying or selling farmlandland transitioningfarmland managementrecreational consulting, or generational planning. Growing from our family’s history, we have continued to build on that foundation with our passion, hard work, professionalism, and forward-thinking that continues to set us apart. Land is more than just our passion; it remains our livelihood, our way of life, and represents our future. Our seamless process and extensive expertise allow our clients throughout Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Arkansas, and Texas to get everything they need, all in one place. Contact our team today at (219) 261-2000 to learn how our team can assist you in your land buying or selling needs.

How can we help?
Looking to buy or sell farmland, recreational, residential, or commercial property?
Call Us