
Image of green winter wheat

The Benefits of Growing Winter Wheat

What is Winter Wheat? Winter wheat varieties are sown in the fall and usually become established before going into dormancy when cold weather arrives. In the spring, plants resume growth and grow rapidly until the summertime harvest. According to the USDA, wheat ranks third among U.S. field crops in planted acreage, production, and gross farm receipts. Winter wheat production represents approximately...

Visit the Farming Community of Remington

In the southern most part of Jasper County, Indiana is the small rural town of Remington. It is located in the northwest corner of Indiana and boasts some of the most fertile farm ground in the state. Because of this proximity to I-65 Remington is not only a thriving farm community but home to major seed corn companies, trucking companies, warehousing, and numerous agricultural/food-based companies....

The Hageman Realty Difference: Summer/Fall 2022 Newsletter

It seems every headline mentions it, and we haven’t seen inflation like this since the late 70’s and early 80’s, so what does it mean to those of us invested in farmland? Also, for our Indiana farmers and landowners, the Purdue Ag report is surely the most anticipated of the year! Read the latest Hageman Realty Difference Newsletter as we cover these topics and more! Summer/Fall Newsletter...

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